Thursday, June 24, 2010

Do Your BEST and Forget the Rest!

There's something I want to talk about today that was presented to me yesterday. Do you ever join something, just say a business opportunity, and you feel like you've got to learn Every little thing before you can actually get started? I know I used to feel this way. I used to think I needed to know Everything about the opportunity and Everything about the product- Before I ever got started!

I found out later that this was part of my personality type. I am dominately a Sanguine and then Meloncholy. Meloncholy is the personality that you feel like you have to have all the details and understand everything to its fullest potential.

Once I worked that opportunity for a while, I realized it wasn't working. HHmmm, what's the problem? Finally I started getting educated about this industry and how it really works and how I could maximize my success with this industry.

I also learned that I didn't have to know Everything in the beginning. Instead I got started and I got connected with people online and I started building relationships. I wasn't concerned with all the details, and you want to know Why?

Because I knew if I didn't know the answer I had a huge group of team leaders that would help me get the answer and help me understand it. What a relief it was for me to just go ahead and start building and forget the rest. Reminds me of that saying "Do you best and forget the rest!" Too cool....

I appreciate you taking the time to read this,

Your friend for life,
Stefanie Sanspree

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