Thursday, November 11, 2010

Does this present an Opportunity?

Everyone knows the phrase "Everything happens for a reason." What does this saying mean to you? For me, it means everything.

I think of myself. I am a 24 year old woman. I have made a chose not to go to school, I have decided that network marketing is the best option that will provide me and my family the opportunity of freedom and also the fulfillment of helping millions of people. I believe this with all my heart.

I am also the person I am today because of what I've been exposed to all of my life. For example while I was growing up I learned from my parents. I accepted their opinions and ideas and made them mine as well. This was all I knew. As I've gotten older and also the help of my mastermind group I've learned to be a critical thinker and think of everything I've learned and analyze it. But to go back to what I was saying, everything happens for a reason. I am thankful for everything I learned when I was younger, I feel that it led me to networking. But now I have the understanding of a critical thinker.

The point I want to drive here is this: we are given many options all the time. We come to different chooses and decisions. Every opportunity that we are confronted with- SEE THE GOOD. For example, let's say you have a good job of 10 years. You love your job, it is just what you want for your life. Then the company is forced to down size and you are one of the employees that has to go. At first you will be devastated. You may feel angry, scared, and unsure of your future. After sometime after you calm down you may take this time to reflect on your life and what will be your next step. At this point you are opening your mind to possible outcomes. You are allowing your mind to work, remember your mind is a problem solver. You may find out later that you have an option to have a much better job with better pay, better hours, better boss.

Another example may be you are making dinner and there are certain ingredients that your recipe needs to make it. Let's say you're in the middle of making everything and you realize you are missing something. At first you may be upset, you're thinking the meal isn't going to taste good and that your family may not like the taste. But then you start to think and you realize that you can use another ingredient. You taste is and the meal is still very good. You really didn't need that certain ingredient after all.

So everything that happens in life whether good or bad, take a moment to look at the situation and see what the opportunity is.

To Your Success,

1 comment:

  1. I like the other ingridient comment Stephanie. It is brilliant!!

    Lawrence Bergfeld
